Sunday 17 August 2014

My first ever attempt at a review, I started drinking less after this

unpublished. Also my first attempt at writing a review

let me start this by saying I have brain damage and I don't know what the fuck I'm talking
about. I was at first weird about the venue being 9one9 because of the lack of metal/grind
shows there.And the way the bouncers act. ANyways I had never been in the basement of the
Strath.I showed up around 815 and there was no lineup, getting in was easy. My first
impression was that it was really posh and I should be doing blow off the tables.
But then I found out there was
$4 PBRs, shut up I liked these before hipters did and there's no hipsters at grind
shows...fuck, I just saw an ironic mustauche. So then compound terror started. theyre the
type of sludgy grind I like.Lots of feedback. At first I thought the sound was bad but then
I found that was what they were going for. There was lots of feedback, distortion and I loved it.
At the end of their set they dragged some guys on the stage who did a song that I think I recognized
 but i had no idea what it was, I did like it though. Between the
set it looked like the bouncers were stalking around looking for a fight with their chest all
pumped out, nothing happened but it struck me as funny
Reaver was next. They had some new members. They are not my flavour of metal. That being
said they are good at what they do, they could open well for lamb of god or somethingg like
that, you know those bands...then the napalm death roadie came out and talked about cookies and ,
it was funny because he was a fat guy. there was some cheesecake jokes. Napalm death stage was
better than the openers with new lights and shit because they deserve it. As Barney stated
they were going to play really fucking old and really fucking new...they did. I didn't hear too
much of their more death metal songs. There was some good stage banter between songs. It was a good
 stretch of their career. And then they played a SEIGE cover. I'm not sure if this made a lot
of other people happy. I told a girl at the bar that this made my night, she gave me that
"you're making me uncomfortable" look so I guess she wasn't that excited. well whatever, next
they covered DK with nazi punks fuck off! they finished with some new songs, I think they were new.
 There was a few
stagedivers who were quickly thrown out of the bar. I'm not sure if they were worried about liability
or they werre just being dicks...I think they were being dicks. As soon
 as the set was finished I was told to go upstairs and drink...which I did. totally against their
nature the bouncers were helpful in getiing me into the upstairs bar for one last beer so I
could make these shit notes.

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