Sunday 17 August 2014

Interview with Mattowar of TraitorR

Traitorr(yes 2 r's) is a metal band from Victoria. I'm not sure what sub-genre they would fit into but they have a mix of black and thrash with a lot of experimentation and atmosphere. So they don't really fit anywhere or stay in one genre from song to song. The band is made up of members from Ironstrike, Lesbian Fist Magnet, Horde of Anacron, Archon Legion and Seasons of Sorrow. They've played a lot of live shows and have started working on a new album which should be out in the next few months. To help explain the band I got together with Founder Matt Barker.

MC: What's up with the two R's?                  

MB: Well first off thanks for not asking "whats with the name Traitorr?" I'm still figuring that one out. when Nick reece and I started thing's up shortly after my dismissal from Horde of Anachron It just seemed to feel right. Years later and the maturity of being in your 30's started to set in I mentioned changing the name but everybody else who had been established in the current roster loved it. So it is what it is and we stand by it.There is a deeper meaning behind it but the listener can decide for themself. As for the two r's at the end; well, when I was drawing up the logo I had an Idea of how I wanted it to look. Something between the logo's of Watain and Manowar logo haha. the extra 'r' seemed to balance the it out, that and I was a little worried some other underground band might already have the name Traitor (later on i found out this was true). plus it helps it to have a little extra Black metal embellishment on the pronunciation of the name. That may seem cheesy but whatever we're not from fucking Norway were just some dudes in Victoria BC that want to play some Black thrash!

MC: Do you ever find the influence of your former bands influencing your music?          

MB: I can only speak for myself though I do believe when you chase the dragon of writing original tunes. everybody develops their own personal repertoire of little tricks discovered over time. These tricks of the trade along with the occasional and wonderful eureka moments of  discovery all work together to help the artist perpetually evolve (as an artist not necessarily as a 'decent' Human being). For me without a doubt, Necro Daunus taught me almost every thing I know about bending the will of your left hand to suit the needs of the devil. As well Nick kadar from Ironstrike taught me alot about melodic chord progression and melody. Both these band's influences can be heard on our up coming record!

 MC: Do you feel that being in Victoria influences your sound or style?        

 MB: Well Ya! Being from a place like Victoria a lot of people develop strong and unique beliefs and opinions from living somewhere so far from any real Geo political constriction. We get to have a birdseye view of the world and we like to have a good time while we do it! Even with a name like Traitorr we know were lucky we have the freedom to do what we love to do!

 MC: Would your music work better as the soundtrack for a movie or a game?                        

MB:  Good Question! Well i wouldn't say it would be better. Considering we took an old school approach to the recording process. By going into a decent studio with almost no money, and recording everything at once off the floor. So it depends on the movie I guess haha! However, Musically, I would say major movie anthem's have been a great influence on my writing. We all know of the classical influence on Metal. I Find though, that's Movie scored classical is a little more relevant. Due to the fact that it has to complement the scenery. It's main melodies and anthem's are usual right out front of the music I'm guessing so the feeling isn't lost in a melee of multiple instrument counter-pointal harmony like the great one's can pull off so well. Closely examining my favorite movie scores has helped on the song's where we take a break from being a Black/Thrash band and get into some of our more triumphantly tragic (dare I say) epic sounding soungs.

 MC: What are your thoughts on corpsepaint and shirtless pics?

MB:  Maybe on Halloween! Like I said we're not from fucking Norway haha! Though I do appreciate any band that can pull it off!  We have some good ones right here in Victoria! But we're just not Black Metal enough to pull that that stuff off! There would be a lynch mob out for us if we called ourselves 'Black Metal' considering some of the different directions our song's take. And if people still want to get pissed off. (and this is were the name can come in handy cause this has happened) Well....whatever....FUCK YOU! we're TraitorR!

MB:  Sorry if I rambled and got carried away and talked to much shit

MC:  All good dude I'll edit it to make you look cool

Michael F. Carnage

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